Post-Occupancy Evaluations as a Learning Tool

Post-occupancy evaluation studies (POE) originated in the United Kingdom in the 1960s as a method to assess and document how buildings are being used and whether they met the original design intent. Although there was some initial interest in the U.S., until recently there was very little enthusiasm for an organized framework to evaluate a project’s successes or failures.
The reasons for the POEs unpopularity in the U.S. include the time and cost associated with conducting them, a fear of questioning the design work, and a lack of an agreed-upon process or metrics. However, with the recent focus on research in design and integrating evidence-based design into the building solution, the POE has become a critical part of the feedback loop in the process.
There are numerous reasons why both clients and architects have become supportive of the POE process. From the client’s perspective, a post-occupancy study informs them if their goals for a particular project have been achieved and, if not, provide them with information as to why not. From the architect’s perspective, a POE provides a method of evaluating evidence-based design strategies that have been incorporated into the design.