The New Era of Work for People & Planet
In the video above, attendees at SmithGroup's two-day, interactive Workplace Client Advisory Board speak to the tremendous insights and value that come from participating in this event.
There is no mistaking that the world has changed. The way we live and work is evolving. On a global scale, we see the implications of our unchecked footprint on the planet. We are pushing the boundaries of what our planet can handle environmentally. These indicators bring a new appreciation of the impacts our workplaces have on the planet, but also on the individual’s experience, health, and wellbeing within the new workplace ecosystem. The global circumstances created by COVID-19 and the three-plus years of remote or hybrid work have brought a number of topics into clear focus: hybrid work, shifting dynamics, technology and unique needs.
At the same time, companies and institutions have been contemplating what type of organization they will be in the future. As such, important considerations have been percolating:
- While we know the real estate market has forever changed, only time will tell us how much. Leases signed prior to the pandemic will be incrementally coming due across the next decade.
- Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) topics have shifted from being the focus of special interest groups to becoming mainstay priorities for the entire organization.
- Institutions and organizations have committed to energy-related carbon reduction goals.
- The challenges of affordable housing are exacerbated in many key markets. This has resulted in further adoption of remote work for some organizations.
With these changes still in flux, SmithGroup’s Workplace leaders, strategists, designers and engineers, alongside 16 national real estate executives, convened to contemplate the notion that workplace environments could be both people-focused — fostering creativity and innovation, supporting mental and physical wellbeing, attracting and retaining talent — and do good for the planet, all at the same time. In fact, what if the only way to achieve these goals was through a holistic People + Planet focused workplace strategy and design?
Over the course of two days, the group centered its discussions on exploring in-depth:
What key attributes related to community, experiences, health and wellbeing, and linkages are common regardless of generation? How do we address them now and in the future?
How do these key considerations flex and evolve based on the real estate approach at hand: renovate existing space, lease renewal, or building a new facility/campus?
Click here to READ MORE about the discussions, factors, forecasts, findings and takeaways that emerged from this immersive and highly interactive workshop.

We are grateful to all who participated in this event and who continue to work with us to Design a Better Future.