Lana Zoet

  • Lana Zoet Higher Education Studio Leader Architecture SmithGroup Madison
  • SmithGroup Madison Lana Zoet Higher Education Studio Leader

“It’s rewarding to create spaces where people feel included, honored and empowered in their drive to learn. Thoughtful design can illuminate the beauty of the human experience.” Lana says her inspiration comes from keeping future generations in mind and “the reciprocal relationship that needs to exist between people and planet. Those sensibilities are reflected in her reading tastes; Lana lists two of her favorite books as Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, and the Aldo Leopold homage to the natural landscape, A Sand County Almanac. “The prairies, woods, and waters of Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula are among my favorite places in the world,” remarks Lana, who explores them by foot and paddle. “I can be downtown or on campus, and moments later enjoying the lakes with my family – that’s great about Madison.” Through her experience Lana leads a multi-disciplinary higher education studio for projects in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa.