Michelle Ray
Michelle comes to SmithGroup with experience in multi-use projects, which she finds particularly interesting. "There are so many different players, investors and users," she explains. "I really enjoy fitting the pieces together in a successful project, and look forward to bring my knowledge of this market to SmithGroup." Michelle also has a keen interest in projects that emphasize social health and sustainability. "I’m concerned over humanity’s negative influence on the natural world, but feel that we’re making progress on many things related to human, social and economic health," she says. "How it will play out fascinates me." Michelle does her part for the future by working with the Arizona Kids Build program and an AIA student mentoring program, which she co-founded. Michelle also enjoys hiking and camping, and would some day like to explore Bhutan. "I’ve heard a lot about the country, and would enjoy discovering a culture that seems so different from our own," she notes.